Andersen Ang | Papers | Talks | Notes | Misc.

Pretentious numbers

journal 6
conference 13
cited-by 373
h-index 8
i10-index 6
Erdös 4


Andersen Ang is a lecturer (UK system, equivalent to assistant professor in US) in the ECS at the University of Southampton, UK. Previously, he is a Fields postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo, Canada, where his advisors are Stephen Vavasis and Hans De Sterck. He completed his PhD in applied mathematics in October 2020, associated with the Department of mathematics and operations research at the University of Mons, Belgium. His PhD supervisor is Nicolas Gillis. He received a BEng degree, in Electronic and Communication Engineering, in 2014, and a MPhil degree, in Biomedical Engineering in 2016, all from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. His research interests are optimization and matrix-tensor factorizations.

Previously ...

in Waterloo, Canada

To be added

in UMONS, Belgium

He worked hard on his PhD during his time in Mons, Belgium. His PhD supervisor was
Nicolas Gillis.
His PhD jury: Thierry Dutoit and Xavier Siebert from UMONS, Laurent Jacques and Francois Glineur from UCLouvain and Lieven De Lathauwer from KULeuven, all Belgian.


in HKU, Hong Kong

At HKU, He received a few academic awards, worked with numerous units, served as the head teaching assistant and taught many undergraduate courses. His excellence in teaching is demonstrated by receiving teaching award 2 times in the consecutive years (2015 and 2016). He also worked with the Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative on the production of 1 MOOC (massive open online course), namely HKU03x the Humanity and Nature in Chinese Thought and one SPOC (Small Private Online Course) CCST9003 Everyday Computing and the Internet, and with 1 paper published in IEEE on teaching and evaluation.

List of useful / useless awards / honours / certificates

  • 2024.01.31 FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), Advance HE, UK

  • 2021.07 Fields Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Waterloo and the Fields Institute, Canada

  • 2020.04 Travel Award, from SIAM for SIAM OP20 (however the conference was canceled due to pandemic)

  • 2018.08 Poster hunter award, EURASIP Tensor-Based Signal Processing, KU Leuven

  • 2017.12 Travel Award, from University deli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro for the XMaths workshop

  • 2017.06 Travel Award, from ALOP Algorithmic Opimitzation Group, Universität Trier for the ALOP Autumn School

  • 2017.02 - 2021.01, European Research Council PhD Scholarship.

  • 2016.09 Outstanding Teaching Award, Dept. of EEE, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2016.08 Champion, IEEE Computational Intelligence HK Chapter Graduate Student Paper Competition 2016.

  • 2015.09 Best TA Award, Dept. of EEE, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2015.04 Talent Development Scholarship, HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund 2014-15.

  • 2014.09 - 2016.08 Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2014.08 Champion, IEEE Computational Intelligence HK Chapter FYP Competition 2014.

  • 2014.08 First Prize, IEEE EMBS HK-Macau Joint Chapter Student paper competition 2014.

  • 2013.10 EE72 K.M.Yung Scholarship, Dept. of EEE, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2013.06 HKU 81 Inclusion Fund, CEDARS, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2012.08 Certificates of Outstanding Performance, Dept. of EEE, University of Hong Kong.

  • 2012 - 2016, Research assistantships, numerous times.

  • 2012 Student Member, Hong Kong Institute of Engineer.

  • 2011 (High school, HK A-Level) Fifth in the form (Form 7), second place in Physics(AL) and second place in Chemistry(AL).

  • 2010 (High school, HK A-Level) First place in Chemistry(AL) in the form (Form 6).

Erdős number = 4

  • Beasley, L. B.; Brenner, J. L.; Erdős, P.; Szalay, M.; Williamson, A. G. “Generation of alternating groups by pairs of conjugates”. Period. Math. Hungar. 18 (1987), no. 4, 259–269.
  • Beasley, LeRoy B.; Guterman, Alexander E.; Shitov, Yaroslav “The arctic rank of a Boolean matrix”. J. Algebra 433 (2015), 168–182.
  • Gillis, Nicolas; Shitov, Yaroslav “Low-rank matrix approximation in the infinity norm”. Linear Algebra Appl. 581 (2019), 367–382.
  • Andersen Ang; Nicolas Gillis “Accelerating Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithms using Extrapolation”. Neural Computation, vol. 31, issue 2, pp 417-439, Feburary 2019

Academic Genealogy

Andersen Ang - Nicolas Gillis - François Glineur - Jacques Teghem - Paul Pierre Gillis - Théophile Lepage - Théophile De Donder - Henri Poincaré - Charles Hermite - Eugène Charles Catalan- Joseph Liouville - Simeon Poisson - Joseph Louis Lagrange and Pierre-Simon Laplace - Leonhard Euler - Johann Bernoulli - Jacob Bernoulli - … - Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.


On the day he started his PhD study, he promised himself ‘‘No PhD no hair cut’’. He cut his hair after 3 years and 7 months.