Andersen Ang | Papers | Talks | Notes | Misc.

  • My notes since my PhD study (2017). Email me if you find a mistake/typo
  • I update this page often, refresh browser to avoid showing the old page
  • In maths you don't understand things. You just get used to them.'' von Neumann
  • I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing somethingFeynman


AICE2001 Scientific Computing, USouthampton, 25Fall

COMP6260 Optimisation for Machine Learning, USouthampton, 25Spring
Info | ConvexAnalysis | 1st-order algo | Other algo | Nonconvex | Lab

AICE1004 Maths for AI&CE, USouthampton, 24Fall
Info | LectureNote | MadBookPro

COMP1311 Math I, USouthampton, 24Fall
COMP1215 Foundations of Computer Science, USouthampton, 23Fall
Combinatorics Graph Probability StatisticsNote Keys & book Madbook

Continuous Optimization

Primal-dual method

Majorization Minimization

Nonconvex Optimizations

Submodular Optimization

  • Submodulairty

Scientific Computing
